Monday May 28
Ever curious what it takes to be ready for work life during your college days?
Ever thought how and what you will be working on & how would you put all that you have been studying since your young age into best possible use to handle day to day situations at work?
Surprisingly its much more than what we all study in our syllabus. The syllabus can help us get through an exam but it can seldom help you in landing at a job or prepare you to tackle situations at the job.
It doesn’t matter if you are going to be an entrepreneur/ an employee, there are certain important traits that you must possess to prosper.
You need to be aware that it is very much important to boot up yourself with both soft skills & hard skills and it is also important to know that one should pursue their passion and not pressure.
Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured, such as writing, math, reading and the ability to use software programs.
Soft skills are less tangible and harder to quantify, such as etiquette, effective communication, leadership, teamwork, taking small initiative, bringing good energy and so much more.
Hard skills prepares you technically making you an adequate candidate for a role in any domain you choose but soft skills are the one which makes you an ideal candidate.
In most competitive job markets, recruitment criteria do not stop at technical ability and specialist knowledge.
They seek someone who can join them and grow into leadership roles.
Small tip — Every CXO was once a fresher. It’s a right blend of soft skills and hard skills which has helped them to reach where they are now.
Well there are no shortcuts to learn them.
You learn hard skills by practicing what you study and grow strong.
Get to know “why” part of everything you study & practise everyday. Soft skills are the trickier ones.
You need to first have the attitude & mind shift to learn these skills. There are plenty of resources online but making sense out of it and applying it takes real effort & guidance.
Unfortunately not many institutes try to bridge this gap. Mostly everyone focuses on hard skills and forget the soft skills.
Not only it needs an effort to learn, one needs proper guidance and exposure to boot up with the right blend of both.
We at IkigaiHub aim to bridge this gap by providing a 360 degree mentoring. Click here to know more.
Food for thought
“Graduation is only a concept. In life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on everyday until last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you will make a difference — Arie Pencovici”
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