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Why ikigaiHub? Hear it from our founders

Akash Agrawal

Friday Jul 06

Finding the right talent for the team, has always been a struggle for any founder or talent acquisition team respectively.

Every company, regardless of its scale and industry, has been the victim of talent gap, or the attitude gap.

Someone had to take an initiative to solve this  problem and the leadership of Think201 took it in their hands. 

They want to try to make the employers’ lives atleast a bit easier in grooming the job seekers and fresh graduates. 

Hence brand “ikigaiHub”.

Let’s hear it from the Founders themselves, “Why ikigaiHub?


The creatively designed Bootcamp Programs across various job profiles with the right mix of hard and soft skills is intended to meet the end-goal by validating the concept through mock-interviews towards the end of the programs.

Feel free to drop by our Hub & discuss more about it over a coffee if you want to know more.

For the latest details on our upcoming Bootcamps, join our Telegram Channel