Thursday Dec 20
ikigaiHub believes in providing a holistic learning experience to its learners, for any kind of programs that it offers, be it a Kickstarter, Fastrack or an Expert program. Our foundation lies in the belief that learning is not really complete until the learner is able to apply it practically. All of our programs give extreme importance to hands-on learning, and we encourage anyone who has a similar mission by sharing our ikigaiHub space.
The ikigaiHub space is designed in such a way that, once the learner is in the hub, the complete focus remains on the session, and s/he can’t be easily distracted. The Space reflects our values: modern, vibrant and open. We have a wide space which can be used for a variety of events and can accommodate up to 30 learners. The room comes with low-raised tables, a whiteboard, display screen, and WiFi features.
If you too believe in providing value to your learners by adopting the hands-on approach, we can make a great team, because we have a perfect space! Here are some pointers you need to know-
We would love to have a chat with you. If we share a mission, we would love to share our space too. Because, we believe in real learning, and we want everyone to be the beneficiaries of it. For more details, get in touch with us- contact.
You can stay connected with us to know about our upcoming events and opportunities. Be a part of our Telegram Channel.